perm filename AIQ.79[AM,DBL] blob sn#444384 filedate 1979-05-30 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	AI Qual readings
C00008 00003	Qual committee assignments
C00013 ENDMK
AI Qual readings

Here are the assignments; permission OK'ed from authors, Bruce, etc.
Marion: obtain the drafts below from Bethanne and make 4 copies of each;
1 by tomorrow noon (Thu), and the other 3 by next Tuesday noon.

Terry: check the choice, assignment, etc.  Feel free to make changes.
After you're done, send the remainder of the note out to the students.
You may want to send each one just his particular assignment, or you may
skip that and just send the whole list to everyone; the danger in the latter
is the "paper is greener" effect, but that will happen anyway just from oral
interaction among the students.  You may also want to change the dates,
times, conditions, etc.  Also, please look over my hurried sketc of what
to include in the critique.

Below are the  assignment of articles  to read for  your examination  next
Thursday.  Please  obtain your  article from  Marion Hazen  (229  Margaret
Jacks Hall), anytime after 12 noon, Thursday, May 31.  Write a brief  (2-3
page) critique of its content (NOT form), and turn it in by 11am  Tuesday,
June 5.  Your critique should address some of the following points:
 A very brief summary of the paper
 What are the new ideas, the "contribution to knowledge"?
 What are the new techniques, the new engineering, the new accomplishments?
 What is the real significance of this; why did he choose it to work on?
 How has the author's work built upon, or at least learned from, that of others?
	What might the "geneology" of this work be?
 How does this work fit in with that from other subfields of AI (or CS)?  Are there
	analogies which could be employed here to good effect?
 What related work has the author failed to mention?  Do some of his ideas overlap
 Where are the blind spots in his argument, the overgeneralizations, the errors?
 What are some suggestions for extending this work, that you might pass along to
	him if you were advising him?  What are future directions to go in,
	experiments to perform on the existing system, etc?  How difficult is
	each of these; in particular, which might be appropriate thesis-sized

All these articles  are extremely  current (they are  drafts accepted  for
IJCAI-79); note that you have  intentionally been assigned an article  far
outside your avowed subspeciality in AI.  At your oral exam, your critique
will be used to aid in sparking discussion.  Rest assured that there  will
be ample opportunity  at that exam  to demonstrate your  mastery of  other

KJK	Kevin Karplus	(systems)	
	John McDermott:  Learning to use Analogies

ROD	Rod Brooks	(vision)
	Jaime Carbonell: Computer Models of Human Personality Traits

JED	Jim Davidson	(natural language/representation)
	Roger Schank:  Parsing Direcly into Knowledge Structures

SJW	Steve Westfold	(automatic programming)
	M. Stefik: An Example of a Frame-Structured Representation System
DLO	David Lowe	(natural language)
	P. Langley:  Rediscovering Physics with Bacon III

RDG	Russ Greiner 	(vision/discovery)
	D. Barstow:  The Roles of Knowledge and Deduction in Program Synthesis

? Dave Smith  (or other seventh person)
	John Gaschnig (SRI): A Problem Similarity Approach to Devising Heuristics
Qual committee assignments

I am friendly, advising, etc. all the students except SJW and DLO;
probably it would be best if those were the 2 committees I were assigned to.

!Faculty and associates who can serve on committees:

TOB	Tom Binford	Away from 6/4 onward

DBL	Doug Lenat
    I will be free all those days, except that first Thu and Tue
    (May 31 and June 5) when I have classes all day.  Saturdays are
    not nearly as good as Weekdays for me, but are ok.  I don't care
    how you distribute the exams for me.

    Anytime the first week of June is fine with me, and most of the
    second is too.

    Calendar looks generally open during first two weeks of June, with minor
    commitments here and there. Contct Mary to schedule time. I cant make it 
    on Saturday June 9 however. Would prefer to have "batches" rather than
    scattered exams; but that's not a strong preference.

    I can arrange almost any time free the first 2 weeks of June if you give
    me a few days notice.  I have a strong preference not to tie up weekends
    or evenings with exams.  Having them all in one day seems better and a little
    more fair to the students who take it early.

CCG	Cordell Green
    My schedule is open right now except for 11-1:30 mon, wed, and fri.

TW	Terry Winograd
    Anything except 6/8 afternoon is possible.  Best would be 6/6, 6/7, 6/9.

No answers yet:

ALS	Art Samuel
ZM	Zohar Manna
RWW	Richard Weyrauch
JMC	John McCarthy
DCL	Dave Luckham

31 -- ************************
Mail from PARC-MAXC2 rcvd at 28-May-79 0104-PDT
Date: 28 MAY 1979 0104-PDT
Subject: AI qual
To:   lenat at SUMEX-AIM, pam at SAIL

I just realized i had forgotten to send notes, and have to
go meet a plane.  Could you please take care of the following:

Send a note to the students listed in qual.dat[1,tw]
and the faculty in [aifac.dis[1,tw] saying that the qual will
be next thrusday (the 7th) and they should please send me a note
specifying available times.

Include in the student note the fact that Doug
will be arranging for the papers.

Indlude Dave Smith (who I believe is DX2SMITH@SRI-KL for some
value of X) in the list of students

I'm sending this to both doug and paul in hopes
that paul will take care of the AI lab stuff, and Doug the papers.
I'll be home (terminal-less) tiomoroow and in Berkeley Tues
and wanted this done before Wed.  Call me at home if
there are questions.

Thanks --t